26th NJF Congress:
Agriculture for the Next 100 Years

27-29 June, 2018 Kaunas r. Lithuania

  Welcome Programme For participants For authors Organisers Photos Archive Contacts =

Requirements for articles preparation

An article submitted for publishing in the open access Proceedings book of the 26th NJF Congress: Agriculture for the next 100 years” must be original, previously not published and not submitted for consideration anywhere else. An article, accepted for publishing in the Proceedings book, can’t be reproduced elsewhere. It has to meet the quality of scientific publication and the requirements for the layout of the text described in the template presented below. The Editorial Board has the right in case of necessity to reject an article or to return the item to the author (authors) for improvement.

By clicking the link below you can access and upload the template of an article text in MS Word. The requirements for an article formatting in details are presented in appendix of this template. We strongly recommend the formatting of yours article to make using style defined in this template.