26th NJF Congress:
Agriculture for the Next 100 Years

27-29 June, 2018 Kaunas r. Lithuania

  Welcome Programme For participants For authors Organisers Photos Archive Contacts =

Main deadlines for articles submission and Proceedings issuing (version from 10th of July):

Submission of an articles for reviewing*extended until 10th of September 2018

Notification on acceptance of an article* – 30th of September 2018

Submission an article for publishing (camera ready version)* – 10th of November 2018

Payment of the publishing fee** – 10th of November 2018

Opening access to articles – 30th of November 2018

*Proceedings of the Congress will be issued after the venue

**This fee applied only for those participants of the congress who not included this fee into participation fee. One participant of the congress allowed submit until two articles for publishing in Proceedings.

The description of procedures for registration and submission of summaries of presentations/articles provided in the following webpages of this websites:

Registration for participation in the NJF Congress: "For participants -> Registration"

Submission of the summary of presentation: "For participants -> Summary of presentation"

Submission of an article for publishing in Proceedings of NJF Congress: "For authors -> Publishing in Proceedings"